Welcome to Rain Elizabeth Healing Arts!
I hope you enjoyed the interview with SF Money Coach, Carrie Friedberg. Thank you for listening and/or viewing. It was wonderful to collaborate with her on some end-of-the-year meditations.
In case you are arriving here without having watched or listened to the interview first, here it is! You are welcome to view and share it to your heart’s delight.
In my archive of recorded guided meditations inspired by my weekly group, Stillwater Meditation, I have selected these to offer you in explorations of abundance, practicing letting go, and embodying hope. Please enter your email address to open up these guided offerings. You may listen as often as you’d like, and more might appear over time to continue supporting your sacred journey of wealth, abundance, and the natural changes we all go through in the evolution of a well-lived life.
You will immediately be redirected to the page with the recordings. Enjoy!